Winter’s trainer reads to Winter

Elaina Franklin, one of Winter’s trainers reads to Winter! Check out how Winter liked the book!

From Elaina Franklin: “I read Winter her new book to her today. It turned out to be a really great form of enrichment for her! As she sat up in front of me on the raft, she looked curiously at the pictures as I turned the pages for her to see. She seemed especially intrigued by some of the full-page pictures of herself underwater. Considering the evidence that dolphins have a sense of self-awareness when they look into a mirror, meaning they know it is themselves that they are looking at (and not another dolphin)… I wondered if Winter recognized herself in the picture? Winter got more and more excited the further we got into the book – she even started sticking her tongue out at some of the pictures! Overall, I think that Winter is very proud of her new book and she is very happy to be able to share her story with all of you!”

Winter smiling at her book!

Winter smiling at her book!

2 Responses to “Winter’s trainer reads to Winter”

  1. Winter is so adorible!!!!! She is my favorite dolphin. Inn school we read her book and when they meantined her losing her tail everytime Isaid AWWWWWWA!!!!!

  2. also I think its cute that you read her stories!!! And tell Panama and Winter I said HI!!

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